Custom Gloves and Scarves
Top off your regalia with these beautifully designed gloves and scarves.
Please allow a minimum of 3-5 weeks for production and/or shipment. For leather gauntlets allow a minimum of 4-6 weeks.
Emblematic Gloves
| Lace Gloves
| Satin Gloves
KT Gloves & Gauntlets
Handkerchief Scarves
Emblematic White Gloves: one-size fits most
DESIGN 0: plain gloves
PRICE: $7.99
DESIGN A-1: mini printed emblem (white or 1-color)
PRICE: $15.00
available for: Mason, Royal Arch, R&SM, crown/cross, 32 triangle, 33rd triangle, OES Star, OES combo, OES Officers, Past Matron, HOJ, LOCOP, DOI PHA
DESIGN A-1b: custom printed emblem (white or 1-color)
PRICE: $15.00
DESIGN A-2: mini colored embroidered emblem
PRICE: $15.00
available for: Mason (Compass & Square), Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Sr. Deacon, Jr. Deacon, Musician, Past Master 1 (C, S, Q), Past Master 2 (C, Q),
Keystone, Royal Arch, Past High Priest,
Royal & Select, Cryptic R&SM, Super Excellent Master, Thrice Illustrious Master, Past Thrice Illustrious Master,
Knights Templar (standard emblem), Knights Templar (crown/cross), Past Eminent Commander, Grand Commander, Past Grand Commander,
14°, 32° (wings up or down), Commander-in-Chief (specify wings up or down), 1st Lt. Commander, 2nd Lt. Commander, Past Commander-in-Chief (wings up or down), 33° triangle w/ crown,
OES, Past Matron
Heroines of Jericho, Most Ancient Matron, Past Most Ancient Matron, Worthy Joshua, all HOJ Court officers
LOCOP, Past Royal Perfect Matron, crown/cross, Order of the Golden Circle, DOI PHA emblem
DESIGN A-2G: mini Grand colored emblem
PRICE: $18.00
Several Grand
Officers, Grand High Priest, Past Grand High Priest, RSM Grand Council, PGTIM,
Grand Worthy Joshua, Most Ancient Grand Matron, Past Most Ancient Grand Matron,
DESIGN B: mini WHITE embroidered emblem
PRICE: $15.00
available for: Mason, OES Past Matron, Heroines of Jericho, Shrine/DOS, LOCOP, crown/cross, Order of the Golden Circle, DOI PHA emblem
DESIGN B-2G: mini Grand WHITE embroidered emblem
PRICE: $18.00
Several Grand
Lodge Officers, Grand High Priest, Past Grand High Priest, RSM Grand Council, PGTIM,
Grand Worthy Joshua, Most Ancient Grand Matron, Past Most Ancient Grand Matron,
DESIGN C: oversized colored emblem
PRICE: $25.00
DESIGN C-1: oversized 1-color twill emblem
(no-detail: available for Mason, IF&AMM, Past Master 1, Past Master 2,
Shrine, Wings UP)
PRICE: $20.00
DESIGN C-2: oversized WHITE embroidered emblem
PRICE: $25.00
DESIGN C-3: oversized WHITE twill emblem
(no-detail: available for Mason, IF&AMM, Past Master 1, Past Master 2,
Shrine, Wings UP)
PRICE: $20.00
Lace Gloves
One Size Fits Most. Ladies fit. Length : 10" L. 90% Nylon / 10% Spandex
Colors available: white, black, red
Ink Colors available: white, silver, red, royal, black, purple, yellow
DESIGN L0: plain gloves
PRICE: $10.00
DESIGN LB: printed emblem (white or colored)
PRICE: $15.00
Satin Gloves
One Size Fits Most. Ladies fit. Length : 9" L. 90% Nylon / 10%
Colors available: white, silver, red, royal, gold, black
Ink Colors available: white, silver, red, royal, black, purple, yellow
DESIGN S0: plain gloves
PRICE: $10.00
DESIGN SB: printed emblem (color or tonal)
PRICE: $15.00
KT Nylon Gloves
color available: buff (cream)
mini emblems available: Knights Templar (standard emblem), Knights Templar (crown/cross), chapeau (gold or silver trimming), KT apron, Past Eminent Commander, Grand Commander, Past Grand Commander
DESIGN N0: plain gloves
PRICE: $15.00
DESIGN NA: mini KT emblem
PRICE: $25.00
DESIGN NA-2: special mini emblem
PRICE: $25.00
*see above. please specify
DESIGN NB: mini PEC emblem
PRICE: $25.00
DESIGN NC: mini GRAND* emblem
PRICE: $25.00
* available for Grand Commander or Past Grand Commander.
DESIGN ND: mini Grand Encampment* emblem
PRICE: $30.00
* available for Grand Encampment Officers or Past Most Eminent Grand
KT Leather Gauntlet
SIZES: L, or XL. Actual design of glove may vary depending on the manufacturer's
color available: cream (tan, buff) or white
DESIGN GA: plain
PRICE: $50.00 (cream) $55.00 (white)
DESIGN GB: mini KT emblem
PRICE: $60.00 (cream) $65.00 (white)
DESIGN GB-2: special mini emblem
available: chapeau (gold or silver trimming)*, KT apron, Crown & Cross
PRICE: $60.00 (cream) $65.00 (white)
*specify gold or silver trimming
DESIGN GC: mini PEC emblem
PRICE: $60.00 (cream) $65.00 (white)
DESIGN GD: mini GRAND* emblem
PRICE: $60.00 (cream) $65.00 (white)
* available for Grand Commander (red) or Past Grand Commander (purple)
DESIGN GD-2: mini Grand Encampment* emblem
PRICE: $65.00 (cream) $70.00 (white)
* available for Grand Encampment Officers or Past Most Eminent Grand
DESIGN GE: small KT emblem
PRICE: $70.00 (cream) $75.00 (white)
DESIGN GE-2: small GRAND KT emblem
PRICE: $70.00 (cream) $75.00 (white)
Handkerchief Scarves
approx. 22" x 22" plain
colors available: white, royal, or red
Design 0: small printed symbol
PRICE: $15.00 each
Design A: small symbol
PRICE: $20.00 each
Design B: small
"embrossed" emblem
available for OES, OES combo, OES 3n1, Past Matron, Past Patron, HOJ (white, blue, or red
w/ appropriate emblem), LOCOP,
Cyrenes/Lady Knights/HTC, Order of Golden Circle, DOI
PRICE: $20.00 each
Handkerchief Scarves: Oversized
approx. 27" x 27" plain
colors available: white
Design A: small colored standard symbol
PRICE: $19.99
Design B: small white standard symbol
PRICE: $19.99
Handkerchief Scarves: Lace Oversized
approx. 27" x 27" lace
colors available: white
Design A: small colored standard symbol
PRICE: $19.99
Design B: small white standard symbol
PRICE: $19.99
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8120 MALL PARKWAY #425 ~ LITHONIA, GA 30038
We make custom satin jackets, varsity jackets, leather jackets, pullover jackets, windbreakers, baseball jerseys, football jerseys, hockey jerseys, t-shirts, polo shirts, twill shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, bags, flight suits, and BDUs and provide regalia, aprons, crowns, jewels, collars, books, fezzes, pins, keychains, medallions, jewelry, rings, engraved pens, jewelry boxes, charms, cuff links, tie tacks, afghans, blankets, gifts and novelties, for most Masonic houses, including Blue Lodge Mason, F&AM, Prince Hall F&AM, PHA, AF&AM, Prince Hall Origin, F&AAYM PHO, International Free & Accepted Modern Masons, IF&AMM, IF&AM Masons, 357, 3°, Past Master, Grand Lodge, Order of Pythagorans, Mark Master, 4°, Royal Arch Masons, HRAM PHA, Past High Priest, Grand Chapter, Cryptic Masons, Purple House, Royal & Select Masters, Super Excellent Masters, Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Grand Council, Knights Templar, Sir Knights, Commandery, Grand Commandery, KYCH, Priory, York Rite, 14°, Lodge of Perfection, 16°, Prince of Jerusalem, 18°, Rose Croix, 32°, Consistory, Past Commander-in-Chief, 33°, Grand Inspector General, Commanders of the Rite, AASR, Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction, Southern Jurisdiction, Shriners, Nobles, AAONMS, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Grotto, MOVPER, Royal Order of Jesters, Mirth is King, AEAONMS, Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Past Potentate, OES, Order of the Eastern Star, Past Matron, Past Patron, Queen of the South, Amaranth, HOJ, Heroines of Jericho, Past Most Ancient Matron, LOCOP, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection, Past Royal Perfect Matron, Order of Cyrenes, Cyrene Crusaders, Heroines of the Templar Crusades, Past Royal Commandress, Past Princess Captain, Order of the Golden Circle, Past Loyal Lady Ruler, Daughters of Isis, Past Commandress, Daughters of Sphinx, Rose of the Seven Seals, RSS, Daughters of the Nile, LOS of NA, Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, Daughters of Mokanna, and White Shrine of Jerusalem, Youth Felicitares. We also provide items for International Association of Turtles, Inc. Are You a Turtle? YBYSAIA.